Love and a Silent Retreat is All You Need


Once upon a time, in the sixties, there was a very popular band called the Beatles. Titles like All You Need is Love spun on vinyl records. Centuries before them, a bearded man with the initials, JC said, “Love one another as I have loved you.”

Great advice, right? What happens though when texts, e-mails and phone calls are vying for your attention? When paper and projects are piling up digitally and on your desk? And your family demands you play gracious host to a third cousin once removed? The brain scrambles, Edvard Munch’s The Scream surfaces. “Stop the world I want to get off!”

Well, now you can. Popular meditation teacher, soundscape artist and acclaimed author, Paul Kaye is leading One Day Silent Retreat participants back to the sacred self that breathes and sustains you. Your precious self will thank you. Your husband/wife, colleagues, cat and dog will also appreciate your attending this Saturday, September 8 event.

This autumn day is an opportunity to meet your true self again. Already meditate? Fantastic! You’ll be cradled in a deeper way by the Divine. The serene Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens will reflect your inner beauty.  

Sound too good to be true? Think again. See below for a sampling of the gifts you’ll receive during the retreat. And take home with you long after the silence is gone.

·       Tools for clearing unconscious blocks and tension

·       Moving meditations, the labyrinth

·       Freeing yourself with forgiveness and gratitude

·       Accessing harmony and peace, Japanese tea ceremony style

·       Finding center through a Sound Journey

Even our smart devices need recharging. Take time for you on Saturday, September 8, 2018 at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens. Click here for details.