Kindness is making a comeback - in popularity - though I believe there are always people in this world who regularly and quietly do kind acts with no intention for reward.
At Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens, we champion in kindness, which contributes so easily to inner (and often outer) peace.
That’s why we are celebrating World Kindness Day, November 13.
““World Kindness Day is celebrated annually on 13th November. On this day, participants attempt to make the world a better place by celebrating and promoting good deeds and pledging acts of kindness, either as individuals or as organisations.””
We never know when a kind comment, kind gesture, smile, or small deed makes a macroscopic difference in a person’s day. Plus it feels good.
So this week, we are inviting you (and ourselves) to start the practice of doing one small “random act of kindness” daily - and discover the magic that can happen!
Here are suggested World Kindness Day activities (as reported on their website):
World Kindness Day Activities
1. Commit at least three random acts of kindness today
Give compliments. Smile at strangers. Hold a door open. Give up your seat on a crowded train. Do at least three random acts and see what magic follows!
2. Give extra and (extra-long) hugs today
Kindness and connection go hand-in-hand. Take a few extra minutes to hug your loved ones and friends today. They'll wonder what got into you, but after the first 10 seconds of they hug, we promise they're going to melt.
3. Write a love poem to yourself and read it out loud
We're serious about you being kind to yourself, today, too. Write a short (or long) poem highlighting the things you appreciate about yourself and your life. Read it out loud to yourself, in front of a mirror. You may just fall in love!
4. Share kindness on your social media
#WorldKindnessDay is real. Share quotes and inspiring pictures on your feed on Nov. 13 and let the internet help spread some love.
5. Get creative - make up your own!
Join us November 13 for: The Awesome Benefits of Kindness Workshop, 7:30pm at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens.