Self Improvement

Pretzel Poses Not Required: Yoga Yourself into Peace


“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” ~Leonardo da Vinci

Perhaps the quote explains Mona Lisa’s mysterious smile. Maybe she adopted her creator’s philosophy and practiced yoga!

Fast forward in time from the Italian Renaissance to a smiling lady at an Italian Beaux Art villa in LA. Her name is Jennifer Herrera. Besides her degrees in law and spiritual psychology, she’s applied her smarts to brand building. (Think Gap, American Eagle Outfitters and Sony Electronics.) “When I was in the prime of my first career and stressed out, I found yoga again,” says Jennifer. “It saved my life.”

A decade later she’s a yoga teacher. In fact, she’s teaching on Tuesday, August 21st at 7:30 pm in the backyard of the aforementioned Beaux Art Villa. (The historic mansion is headquarters to - PAL&G - Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens.)

To clarify, the PAL&G backyard boasts a 3-tiered meditation garden and a Chartres Cathedral inspired labyrinth. (Sometimes called a Moving Meditation.) By day, the labyrinth is carpeted with those contemplating life. On the evening of August 21st, yoga mats will crisscross the labyrinth.

Jennifer says, “Yoga at the labyrinth is a beautiful opportunity to say "YES" to the body, mind and spirit. We will be touching all of those dimensions during our experience. I would also add that all levels are welcome. If you were ever to begin yoga, there's no better place than the sacred ground of Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens.”

My interview with Jennifer about yoga and life follows.

 Q: What forms of yoga do you practice?

JH: I practice and teach a combination of hatha and vinyasa that is also heavily influenced by Iynengar. What this means is that I slowly build my practice from the ground up consciously awakening the body, holding in postures and linking breath to movement. I am not a power yoga teacher. I can enjoy those classes from time to time and I have found that my peace is in the slow build.

Q: What can you guarantee or almost guarantee students will walk away with after Yoga at the Labyrinth?

JH: All willing and open participants will absolutely walk away with an experiential reference of peace within themselves and their bodies.

Q: How often do you practice?

JH: I practice 3-5 times a week and sometimes that is a 20 minute evening restorative practice.

Q: What’s the greatest gift you’ve received from yoga?

Healing the relationship with my body. Through my practice of yoga, learning about and feeling into parts of my body I never had prior, I began to relate to my body as an apprentice. Instead of constantly evaluating it externally, I began to steep in the wonder of its miraculous nature. I am so grateful for this new context, awareness and healing.

Q: Advice for the inflexible or stiff jointed?

JH: Gentleness - with your body and with your mind. The physical practice of yoga is really a distraction to reduce the noise of the mind. Yoga is not about flexibility. That is a misnomer. Actually bodies that are very flexible or hyper-mobile can injure themselves if they don't know how to back off. I begin almost every day feeling a bit stiff and inflexible. Yoga has actually supported me in better listening to my body so I know how to gently wake it up and support blood circulation to the joints, ligaments, tendons and muscles. Whenever possible use props during your practice. A simple blanket or thick towel can make all the difference.

Q: What’s been the greatest challenge in practicing yoga? How do you or did you overcome that?

JH: Growing my patience and learning to quiet the mind. There are metaphorical opportunities arriving all throughout a yoga practice if we are open to them. For example, how we relate to ourselves and the world while on our mat is a reflection of how we relate to ourselves and the world off the mat. Allowing that to be okay rather than a space to judge ourselves is when the practice takes on a whole new level of growth and expansion. Although the practice of yoga can be and feel rather serious, it's so important not to take ourselves too seriously. When we can loosen up and allow for the space our practice deepens. When I have tried to force a posture that my body is rejecting but my mind is attached to "doing," I struggle and get uptight. When I heed my body's communication and back off, I soften and relax. These two paths of relating impact my entire practice and often what occurs after. Over time, I have learned to leave it all on my mat, to use the entire experience to let it all go. It's literally my physical therapy, spiritual practice and self-care all in one. I am never sorry I did yoga.

Q: Who’s been your biggest influence, inspiration in yoga?

JH: My teachers. The first one was a woman I began practicing with around 2008 in Manhattan. Her classes were like mini-workshops. I didn't know that at the time and she has been the single biggest influence on my practice and my teaching approach. She weaved in depth and breadth into every 75 minute class and I found the teacher in me by being her student. They say, “When the student is ready the teacher arrives.” I am so grateful.

Q: Besides, Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens, where is the most exquisite place you’ve done yoga?

JH: In the lush forest of a small town in the south west part of France. Just me and nature. It was Heaven on earth.

Curious novice or consummate yogi, you are welcome to enjoy Yoga at the Labyrinth at 7:30 pm on Tuesday, November 6 on the heavenly grounds of PAL&G.

Visit Wear comfy clothes. And remember your yoga mats! Blankets and large beach towels work, too.

You HU Superhero

Los Angeles is ablaze in a fiery heat wave. Tempers can flare as temperatures rise. Escape to air conditioned theatres featuring superheroes is one option. But what if others have the same idea and all seats are taken?

Dive inside and discover the superhero in you.  (By all means, take a cold shower; soak in an ice cube bath, whatever it takes to feel relief before taking the inner trek to claim your superpower.) Yes, I’m suggesting the free and powerful tool of meditation.


The only kryptonite you’ll likely encounter are past hurts. But if you chant HU, the ancient Sanskrit name of God, you may experience a soothing balm. And a restoration of super you!

When Ani  – pronounced “ah-nigh” – the tone of empathy is combined with HU - pronounced "hugh" - magic truly happens. You may have to resist fidget fairies the first few times. But chanting Ani-HU will eventually steamroller away irritations.

Maybe you already have a favorite mantra. Great! Or perhaps closing your eyes – unless it’s sleep – is just not your thing.

Are you willing to breathe? I’m not joking. By altering how we’re taking in air, we can better control our emotions. Check out this short and charming YouTube.  

Simply touching your hand to your heart can also create miracles. Of course, a stroll to the center of a labyrinth can produce tranquility, too. It’s known in some circles as a “moving meditation.” (Note: Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens is closed until July 24.)

Here's another cool idea for finding or strengthening your inner superhero:

What Is Soul Awareness?, August 7, 2018 at 7:30 p.m.

Held at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens
3500 West Adams Blvd. LA CA 90019.

The Way of Happiness

My favorite color is happiness for the Way of Happiness body photo.jpg

Happiness is intangible. Like a Guerlain perfume or Chopin composition, the notes give the senses a lovely tickle. Aware that humans at their core like long soaks in feeling good, the United Nations designated March 20th the  International Day of Happiness. Even if there are realities like rent, we can dedicate one day to enjoyment!

So, on Tuesday, March 20th, popular meditation instructor, Paul Kaye and communications expert, Anna Sugai explored The Way of Happiness at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens. The conversations to living with a sincere smile stretched beyond the confines of the property. People from 169 countries tuned in on the web. From Afghanistan to Argentina to Australia, we citizens of the world are eager to live with more joie de vivre. (France was online, too!) 

Paul pointed out that we all have the tools for allowing in more sunny feelings. We have the power of choice. “[It’s] like sitting in a dark room, knowing where the light switch is.”

Ahhh, but some of us forget. Perhaps we drown for a time feeling responsible for the storm of scowls surrounding us.  (No one I know, of course.)

The Way of Happiness provided marvelous keys for keeping the light on and our spirits high. Including dancing to Pharrell Williams’ billion YouTube hit song, "Happy." To "Shake it Off" with music and movement – thank you Taylor Swift – are fantabulous antidotes to the blues.

Anna spoke of the magic of self-talk. She told of traveling solo and lonely. On a stroll through the Louvre, she committed to a cheerier perspective and chat with herself. A European romance ensued.  (Sorry, she didn’t elaborate.)

Serendipitously, Paul and Anna on their happiness research landed upon a Gandhi quote. “Happiness is when what you think, what you say and do are in harmony.”

Whistling a happy tune while resisting British rule through non-violence might be a tad challenging for some of us. Yet, Mahatma Gandhi is an exquisite example of how circumstances do not define the bounds of happiness.

Tips and wise words about happiness also came from participants. “It is a rather crude analogy,” said one online visitor, “but I have always said it is possible to be joyous sitting on a manure pile and possible to be unhappy even with my greatest dreams realized.”

A divorcée hit with the doldrums shared about writing 3 daily gratitude items at bedtime for 3 months. Life shifted in a happy direction for her.

The Original Ted Talk – a stellar 90 second segment – from The Mary Tyler Moore Show was played. Watch it here. More than a "fake it until you make it" approach, Ted Baxter takes on a Nike “Just Do It” attitude.

To quote Muspoetographer, Lucy P. Dickinson, Happiness is, “Living in the rainbow of God’s Grace and blessings.”  

Or maybe when we fling our hearts wide open, we are on the way to happiness.

Keys to Long-Lasting Relationships

Cupid’s bows gleam golden and the scent of roses infuses the air. Yes, that month of red hearts and rich chocolates is around the corner. The debut of romance is dazzling. A stream of serotonin rushing through the system may be better than any roller coaster.

Yet, there could be the inevitable day when the ride dips; reality hits. Yikes! Is Romeo giving Juliet the cold shoulder? Juliet’s smile has melted. Sigh. There is an empowering solution.

Do you know the answer? 

  • Yes--be that wonderful loving one to yourself! (That doesn’t mean dive into a pint of ice cream!)
  • When tuning into your sunny self, life reflects back brighter scenarios. And more perfect partners.
  • In fact, everything and everyone appears to be divinely ordained.

Even with a few loving tricks up your sleeve, if you’re open to expanding your self-care repertoire, then read on. Paul Kaye, author of Momentum: Letting Love Lead is sharing his tips at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens (PAL&G) on February 6th. Paul is also a popular meditation teacher. The processes he’ll use in Loving Relationships Workshop will actively involve your beautiful spirit and heart. In fact, the only prerequisite is your willingness.

Even if you are not in an intimate relationship, you may discover the love of your life – YOU!

Loving Relationships Workshop takes place Tuesday, February 6, 7:30pm at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens (3500 West Adams Blvd. LA CA 90018). A Meet & Greet with refreshments follows the workshop.

Sneak Peek into An Evening of Abundance

An evening of abundance is about getting together with others to explore how to create greater abundance in our lives.

"You will receive in direct proportion to your clarity of vision, your definiteness of purpose, the steadiness of your faith, and the depth of your gratitude." John-Roger, DSS

It's about taking an opportunity to explore "opening to the blessings of abundance, clarifying our visions for the New Year, and giving thanks for our lives exactly as they are." 

We asked Marizita and Rinaldo Porcile, ministers and business owners, to come volunteer and lead the evening for us. They have combined a life of service with a life of taking care of themselves and their family--and they just naturally created abundance in the process.

A sneak peek into some Abundance Keys:

  1. Giving
  2. Gratitude
  3. Receiving graciously

Join us and learn more!   


Celebrating the U.N. International Day of Peace

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What Does Peace Mean To You?

#PeaceDay #JoinTogether #PeaceLabyrinth


September 21 is the U.N. International Day of Peace. Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens, together with the Institute for Individual and World Peace took part in celebrating and honoring this day with several events.

We started with a Peace Concert, listening to the exquisite, healing music of Merrill Collins, global peace song finalist. Her music swept us away with her beautiful, healing sounds. What a perfect way to help put our bodies, minds, emotions, and our spirit into peace.

We followed with an Acceptance and Peace Seminar. Many say the way to world peace is through individual peace. Using this principle, we came together to explore how to come to greater inner peace by simply accepting what is.

Lastly, we moved forward into celebration and action with a Peace Day Open House. 

We celebrated by sharing refreshments, music, taking fun "selfies," and with getting to know new people. We shared our love, togetherness, oneness, and our common purpose of wanting to create a better world internally and externally for ourselves, others, our planet.

We moved into action by placing our peace intentions and "blessings" at the Labyrinth, the Peace Pole, the Peace Tree. Many shared their photos on their social sites - spreading peace intentions into the world. 

At 12 noon we participated in the U.N. Global Minute of Peace/Moment of Silence. Paul Kaye, President of MSIA and Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens, led these moments as we all circled around the labyrinth. He spoke a bit about what is peace and what we can do to create peace. 

Lastly, we took it inward again, to what many call our "Source" by attending Peace Sound Meditations led by Paul Kaye. Paul sounded chimes, singing bowls and meditative instruments, and played guided meditations by John-Roger. These meditations assist us to attune more deeply to where many believe it all begins, within. As someone said, "Peace begins with you."

Some ways to create peace

Paul Kaye mentioned some points for how to create peace. 

  • Peace is present. 
  • Peace is an inner process. 
  • Peace is the cessation of againstness.
  • Peace is a choice regardless of circumstances.


Listen to Paul's Global Minute of Peace Address



What does peace mean to you? 


#KeepPeaceAlive #PeaceEveryday #SpreadPeace
