
A Field of Dreamy Gardens

Did you read the exquisite write-up about Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens in The New York Times? The PAL&G piece is by best-selling author, Reif Larsen! (His books are also popular movies.)

Mr. Larsen’s depiction of PAL&G tours’ Guardian Angel is perceptive and accurate. “I was greeted at the villa’s entrance by a kind man named Juan Roberto.”

Through heat waves and cold spells, PAL&G’s bespectacled greeter, Juan Roberto Schulz gazes upon each visitor as if welcoming a long lost cousin. He also answers FAQs with great patience. Mr. Larsen remarks that at the end of his exchange with the PAL&G greeter, “Memories of Interstate 10 bedlam began to evaporate.”


Good thing I was sitting when reading Mr. Larsen’s Finding Yourself in Los Angeles. His masterful portrait of PAL&G is swoon worthy. He describes his labyrinth experience: “As you walk, the city becomes a distant dream, a movie half-remembered.”

Mr. Larsen also mentions shinrin-yoku ( 森林浴 ) – Japanese for forest bathing. He delights in being “serenaded by the gentle babble of small fountains.”  (Be still my heart!!)

Insights about other LA gardens and photos are offered, too. (PAL&G takes top billing.) Scroll down, and you’ll see two people familiar to PAL&G regulars: Anna Sugai and Jeffrey Morgan. An aura of confidence trails the duo walking the labyrinth. Maybe my admiration colors the lens. Anna Sugai is a Brazilian beauty who speaks three languages. Her good looks and smarts are surpassed, however, by her depth. Ask anyone who has seen her co-facilitate a PAL&G evening event. Jeffrey Morgan is an attorney who knows a thing or two about international and integrative law. He’s also quick with a reassuring smile. He serves on the Transcendent Leadership faculty at Peace Theological Seminary.

Mr. Larsen’s Finding Yourself in Los Angeles in The New York Times illuminates the spirit of PAL&G.  It is impressive. The masterful wordsmith’s work strikes my heart with awe for another reason, too. I came to this country from Japan a few decades back. The Guasti Villa stood proudly like a Grande Dame on West Adams as it does today. The mansion, however, was sans labyrinth and gorgeous gardens. It was an isolated island of beauty enjoyed by a few.

Two important men in my life – my beloved teacher and boss – inspired the creation of PAL&G: Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA) Founder, John-Roger and MSIA President, Paul Kaye. They are both role models of living from the inside out.

Remember the 1989 film Field of Dreams? An Iowa farmer builds a baseball field at the bidding of his inner guidance.  Trouble ensues. Tears are shed. A happy Hollywood ending prevails.  “If you build it, he will come.”

Voices are tricky business. Is the whisper well-intentioned or rooted in illness? “Check it out,” is a phrase which John-Roger repeated on many an occasion. 

Clearly, John-Roger was listening to a heavenly messenger about a LA labyrinth. A French accented angel, perhaps. Paul remembers the conversation with John-Roger about a labyrinth at 3500 West Adams Boulevard was ignited in Chartres Cathedral.

Maybe Paul’s whispering angel was from the East. MSIA’s President was instrumental in the birth of an Asian accented garden. He had a vision of something “mad, chaotic, and green with lots of water features.”

The French artisan crafted marble labyrinth was consecrated by John-Roger and MSIA Spiritual Director, John Morton in 2001. The following year, Paul’s idea for the garden was realized. A handful of spiritual warriors roamed the Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens (PAL&G) upon its creation in the New Millennium.

Today sold-out tours prevail as peace seekers strengthen Soul practices. Including a New York Times best-selling author.

Do you hear a voice whispering? “Be a PAL&G docent…The visitors will come.”

Check it out. Call Program Director, Carol Jones at (323) 737-4055.

Click the link below to read Reif Larsen’s Finding Yourself in Los Angeles in The New York Times.

You HU Superhero

Los Angeles is ablaze in a fiery heat wave. Tempers can flare as temperatures rise. Escape to air conditioned theatres featuring superheroes is one option. But what if others have the same idea and all seats are taken?

Dive inside and discover the superhero in you.  (By all means, take a cold shower; soak in an ice cube bath, whatever it takes to feel relief before taking the inner trek to claim your superpower.) Yes, I’m suggesting the free and powerful tool of meditation.


The only kryptonite you’ll likely encounter are past hurts. But if you chant HU, the ancient Sanskrit name of God, you may experience a soothing balm. And a restoration of super you!

When Ani  – pronounced “ah-nigh” – the tone of empathy is combined with HU - pronounced "hugh" - magic truly happens. You may have to resist fidget fairies the first few times. But chanting Ani-HU will eventually steamroller away irritations.

Maybe you already have a favorite mantra. Great! Or perhaps closing your eyes – unless it’s sleep – is just not your thing.

Are you willing to breathe? I’m not joking. By altering how we’re taking in air, we can better control our emotions. Check out this short and charming YouTube.  

Simply touching your hand to your heart can also create miracles. Of course, a stroll to the center of a labyrinth can produce tranquility, too. It’s known in some circles as a “moving meditation.” (Note: Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens is closed until July 24.)

Here's another cool idea for finding or strengthening your inner superhero:

What Is Soul Awareness?, August 7, 2018 at 7:30 p.m.

Held at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens
3500 West Adams Blvd. LA CA 90019.

Keys to Creating Heaven on Earth

As I'm flying over the Pacific Ocean, I’m transported listening to the “Keys to Creating Heaven on Earth Seminar” with John Morton, MSIA’s Spiritual Director, that was Live Streamed from Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens (PAL&G). It was an invite to dive into God’s infinite ocean of love and mercy.

Even as rioters surface on the Gaza Strip (as is happening in the news right now), “Heaven on earth is a decision,” says John. “If I find any peace in the Middle East, then there is peace in the Middle East.”

One candle can spark a holy blaze, which warms cold hands and fills hungry hearts with comfort. All right. Maybe such idealism belongs to the Lovers, the Dreamers and Me (and Kermit the Frog!). However, given the alternative, I’ll say, “Yes, please” to John’s keys to creating heaven on earth.

Please Note: The following keys are this writer’s interpretation of information presented at the seminar.

1.  Get Creative!
   “We can create it [Heaven on Earth.]”
   ~John Morton

John’s seminars have always had creative contributions. Last night was no exception. PAL&G’s staff, George Scott (in his late 80s) and LeAnna Sharp (a beautiful millennial) performed like Fred and Ginger dancing "Cheek to Cheek." Their song and swing dance sparkled with Spirit. I jumped to my feet to join in a standing ovation for the duo who brought so much joy.

Amazing how a dash of imagination and a dance or two can elevate life to another level. Next time the doldrums hit, maybe I’ll turn up the music and foxtrot around the room.

2. Change the Channel
“Guess what? This is Heaven on Earth.”
~John Morton

How we relate to ourselves, each other, and our experiences informs our realities. A subtle switch of focus softens the rough edges. I’m not an advocate of sweeping emotions under the carpet and painting on a Pollyanna smile. But I believe in asking, WWTNTTHTYT? That’s how my great Uncle George would sign his letters. (Yes, dear millennial, once upon a time when dinosaurs roamed the earth, handwritten letters existed.) What is WWTNTTHTYT? What was the nicest thing that happened to you today?

3. Twinkle, Twinkle Divine Star
“Let us consider the Kingdom of Heaven is already here.”
~John Morton

Maybe heaven is always here. As hard as it is to swallow, I’m the one responsible for not seeing it that way. I agree with John that, “God is love; and he that dwelleth in love, dwelleth in God, and God in him.” (1 John 4:16 KJV)

What happens though when rage and reactions to unjust accusations or attacks arise? “Call ourselves forward into the Light,” says John. 

Part of claiming heaven on earth (as I understand it) is allowing the divine to dance with us. To ask for the Light is to remember that we are one of the Creator’s precious kids. (Even when our oh so delicate ego begs to differ.) Enter the most excellent of tools – spiritual exercises (a form of active meditation).

4. Surrender, Dorothy
“We lay down whatever stands in the way of serving God.”
~John Morton

The big “F”…Forgive! The payoff is more freedom to have fun. Of course, there’s a caveat: Surrender pissed-offness and release resentments. My great Uncle George’s second favorite phrase was, “There ain’t no free lunch.”

“Patience is a virtue that will never hurt you” was his first favorite saying. So, when forgiveness seems impossible it’s time to double down on TLC from you to you.

When the hurt feels too deep: Besides therapy and crying to my husband, I hit my knees and free-form write like crazy. (Free-form writing is a technique to release negativity and unconscious blocks.) Then I repeat the process. Through gritted teeth I’ve also prayed for the allegedly antagonist one(s). Warning: Be ready for miracles!

5. Have Fun with Dick and Jane
“Come into the expression of loving regardless--it’s not the lamb ready for slaughter. It’s more, what would love do?”
~John Morton

The brilliant Master of Ceremonies of the “Keys to Creating Heaven on Earth Seminar” was David Bransky. He referenced one of the greatest mystery series of all time, Fun with Dick and Jane. (At the American School in Japan I attended, every first-grader read the books.) David spoke of the wonder on his child’s face as he poured over the big question, “Where is Spot?”

Spot was the dog. Dog is God spelled backwards. (Stay with me.) In the midst of growing pains, even saints like Mother Theresa have been known to cry out and wonder where the Loving Creator is hiding. Maybe we just need to keep turning the page. Along the way perhaps we’ll get glimpses into the Divine design. As we close the book, we very well may realize that God has placed the keys to creating heaven on earth in each and every one of us.

Plug Into an Oasis for the Soul

Let’s be real. We’ve all got addictions.  Don’t drink, swear, smoke or touch that white substance called sugar? Congratulations. How long can you go without checking your smart phone? Or binge watching your favorite Netflix show? Most of us need some form of comfort. On planet earth a lot of curve balls and challenges are thrown our way. (If this is not your experience, please send the address of your cave pronto!) 
How cool would it be though to upgrade our addictions to God?  (Higher power, Spirit, you know what I mean.) In the City of Angels, there is a place to plug into the oasis of your Soul. It’s called Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens (PAL&G.)  In the gardens, celestial melodies courtesy of the birds lift the gaze heavenward. Multiple water features sing soothing lullabies.  There’s the ancient labyrinth, too, which is sometimes referred to as a Moving Meditation into the Heart.
Evening events like An Introduction to Meditation: A Deeper Experience led by Dr. Paul Kaye are also a beautiful way to de-stress. Although Paul’s approach is lighthearted, his training is serious. From Lao Tzu to Rumi, from tai chi to yoga and countless other disciplines, Paul has thoroughly researched the subject of healing through meditation and sound. 
Due to numerous requests, PAL&G is now opening its doors, too, for a one day silent retreat entitled Unplug – Relax, Refresh, Recharge. Paul will lead the charge into stillness: “The purpose of the retreat is for you to completely relax, let go of worldly concerns and connect more deeply with who you are and with what breathes and sustains you.”
To ensure the clearest, truest connection, all participants are required to abide by PAL&G’s smoke-free, drug-free environment. If you’d like to attend, please e-mail with Silent Retreat in the subject line. To uphold the serenity fostered in the retreat, a maximum of 20 participants will be accepted. 

Love Is the Miracle Maker

“Miracles become the result of your Love.” ~John-Roger, DSS

A miracle is an unexpected but welcome gift. Course in Miracles friends say, “Forgiveness is the home of miracles.” It is indeed miraculous and surprising - for me anyway - when my heart floods with love for one I labeled “foe.”

Miracles are different though from magic. Grudges usually melt best when met with meditation. Work needs to be done before benefits surface. It’s kind of like a 401k. Hard-earned money is deposited into an account. In time, if invested correctly, lots of money appears!  

So, if I can go into meditation with the intent to touch the divine, angels kiss my forehead. Conversely if I continue on the war path of againstness …Well, you’ve probably heard the saying, “What you focus on you create.”

But you’ve also heard what you resist, persists. So when the war lords are drumming up strategies of revenge, I put my best Mother Mary/Shakti/Fairy Godmother game face on and have a little chat.

Wicked War Lords: (Shouting at the top of their lungs.) They are wrong, bad and we are going to withhold love from them forever and ever and ever. Here’s how we can get back at them…

Super Mother Mary/Shakti/ Fairy Godmother: (In a soft, soothing voice.) Er, excuse me for a moment. You sound like you’re really angry, hurt and in a whole lot of pain. It’s okay that you feel rage. You have a right to your feelings.

Wicked War Lords: (Stunned.) I do?

Super Mother Mary/Shakti/ Fairy Godmother: Mm-hmm. And I bet you thought when so-and-so did such-and-such, they did so because you were not (fill in the blank) enough or bad or not worthy of love.

Wicked War Lords: (Heads hanging and shuffling their feet) Yeah, kinda.

Super Mother Mary/Shakti/ Fairy Godmother: Well, their behavior is not about you. YOU are our precious one. We love YOU soooooooo much.

Wicked War Lords: Really?

Super Mother Mary/Shakti/ Fairy Godmother: Yes! So, would you be willing to chant Ani-Hu or Om or any one of the divine mantras designed to lift and heal?

Wicked War Lords: (Dewy-eyed) Yes.

The mystic Rumi had it right: “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” And then, yes, miracles appear.

For more info about meditations, forgiveness, and little miracles, visit On many 2nd & 4th Tuesdays popular meditation instructor and author, Paul Kaye will holds meditation and sound journeys.

The Sound of Heavenly Music - Rx for the Stressed

Paul Kaye, Meditation Instructor and Soundscape Artist.

Paul Kaye, Meditation Instructor and Soundscape Artist.


Hop into a candlelit bubble bath.  
Sooth tension-weary muscles with a massage.
Stroll on the beach.
Gaze up at a night sky sparkling with stars.

All of the above works wonders. And so does meditation. Imagine soaking in sounds of serenity from faraway lands. Visualize an expert guide leading you through the chambers of your heart. Feel yourself shimmering in Light.

This is not fantasy. Paul Kaye’s Sound Bath at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens (PAL&G) embraces methods for de-stressing. You may hear instruments from the Himalayas and Japan echoing through a historic mansion. Riding atop the waves of harmony is the gentle voice of Paul. A teacher of forty years, he guides participants into a deep-dive meditation.

The event is titled "Introduction to Meditation and Sound, A Deeper Experience." However, even long time students of meditation exit the event declaring:

“For the first time in 10 weeks, I felt no pain.”

 “It took me to places that were frankly ineffable.”

“Best meditative experience this decade.  Left with a great sense of serenity, and crystal clarity.”

Falling in love and meditation are similar. Both are highly personal and individual. Yet, we all agree it can be a fabulous experience. Dating for most is about finding "the right one." It takes time. So does discovering the method(s) of meditation that work best for you. Of course (and thank God!), miracles can happen and some immediately experience their soul sing joy. Yet, like all relationships and practices, improvement is always welcome, right?


Experience an Introduction to Meditation and Sound, A Deeper Experience evening at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens.


Virgil, Veritas (Truth) & 100 Ways to Health & Well-Being

“Health is the Greatest Wealth”~ Virgil

Philosopher, poet and pal of Roman emperors is the poster child of wealth. His dad was a cattle farmer. (Think Texas in Rome.) He went to law school; switched majors and published popular epic poetry. Perhaps you’ve heard of the Aeneid. (It’s considered one of the masterpieces of Western civilization…which this writer didn’t know until researching the prolific poet.) Oh, yes, and Virgil hobnobbed with the elites of the 40s and 50s. (BC.) He liked parties. In fact, one of his works is called Copa (The Barmaid.) Hmmm. The point is the fellow knew a thing or two about living well. Virgil was sincere when he said, “Health is the greatest wealth.”

So, it makes sense that admired author and meditation teacher, Paul Kaye is sharing his 100 Ways to Health & Well-Being at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens. (Not 500,000 Ways to Strike It Rich in 5 Minutes!) Looks like there are no loopholes to: “Seek ye the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto to you.” (Matthew 6:33, KJV) Or as my Great-Uncle George used to say, “There ain’t no free lunch.”

The great teachers espouse the concept that when we are healthy and wise, there’s a greater chance for the wealth to slip in. Bravo, you may be ahead of the game and arguing that Tiffany rings and Mercedes are not the end-all, be-all. True enough. Seeing a baby smile is indeed a treasure. (But I still cherish the few times I’ve flown first class!) Whatever your goals or definitions of success, without health or a sense of good feeling, life isn’t fun. Fortunately, Paul Kaye lives in the New Millennium and we are able to receive his tips first-hand and in person at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens. Paul promises that attendees can “expect to go away with at least one additional key to bring greater health and well-being into their lives.”

For more info and tickets, visit or click here. Or take a chance and show up in person on Tuesday, January 23, 2018 at 3500 West Adams Blvd., LA, CA 90018 for the 7:30 p.m. event.

Better than Champagne Wishes, a Sacred Entrance into 2018

Congratulations. You have successfully thrived (or survived!) another year. At the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve, will you toast with champagne? Or will a chocolate truffle melt in your mouth as you dream of a blissful future?

For your consideration for December 31, 2017: A New Year’s Eve Sacred Tones workshop. The evening event takes place at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens from 8 to 10 p.m. (So, you’ll still have time to attend other parties--or get home in your jammies early!)  Popular author and meditation teacher, Paul Kaye leads the group in powerful practices. A path to 2018 is prepared with ancient sounds of peace. Masterful meditations invoking soul wisdoms are played. Heart-centered processes also allow participants to burn past sorrow and open to new opportunities.

Clarinetist, Alethea Lamb, chuckles about her Sacred Tones experience “Getting paid for playing more music” was on her wish list last year. Alethea won’t be at Sacred Tones 2017.  She’s playing a “gig” with musicians she loves.

Sacred Tones is more than a mere goal-setting event though. As Alethea says, “You go really deep. There’s so much peace…It’s like being in a womb.” She also warns that the event is “well-attended.” (So get there early!)

More good news about the New Year’s Eve Sacred Tones Workshop:
Complimentary admission
Available online.
Detailed info at

The Best Holiday Gifts Ever

“We need no wings to go in search of Him, but have only to look upon Him present within us.” ~St. Teresa of Avila

Faster than FedEx, gifts are delivered with each heartbeat. You don’t even need a saint or Santa to deliver the present. Yes, you already know you are:

·         A precious child of God

·         Adored by the Creator

·         At One with the Universe

·         All the Above

Wouldn’t it be wonderful though to know how truly, truly divine you are? Better than any Porsche or Jimmy Choo shoes!

Embrace all that is great and holy. Let go of 2017. Welcome in a shiny Light and Love filled 2018.

New Year's Eve Sacred Tones Workshop, Sunday, December 31, 8-10pm PT

New Year's Resolution Spiritual Spa Morning, Saturday, January 6, 2018, 10am-2pm PT


5 Tried & True Ways to Sweeten the Holidays

“To me every hour of the light and dark is a miracle.” ~Walt Whitman

Shadow fingers stretch across the sidewalk. Christmas carols blare as a car blasts down the road. Cinnamon and ginger, the star spices of winter, waft from the kitchen. The holidays must be here.

Sparkly diamond happiness is supposed to be the sentiment du jour. Yet when malls are jam-packed and competition for parking spaces mounts…Well, rekindling the childhood exuberance of the season can be daunting.

5 Tried & True Ways to Sweeten the Holidays:

1.     Give, Give, Give…to Yourself.
I know. This is a season for giving. Reduced sleep and increased sugar though may turn you into Mr. Grinch. Altruism is awesome but not at the expense of yourself.

2.     Take the Easy Path
Seriously. Your child will survive without homemade cupcakes. Swap time in the kitchen for conversations…even if it is via text!

3.     Be Sneaky
Slip extra time onto the parking meter. Tip your server with an extra dollar or two. Surreptitiously do something super nice for someone.

4.     Headspace Vacay
When the monkeys are chattering up a storm, turn up the meditation music. Even Western MDs agree that moments of Zen tune out stressors.

5.     Tell the Truth
“The Truth Shall Set Ye Free” Not a Bible person? Twelve steppers know that honesty is the key to healing. And the first law of Spirit is acceptance…which leads to cooperation…which hopefully leads to a happier you during the holidays!

Light the Menorah. Set the star atop the Christmas tree. Let your authentic joyful self shine.

What Is Simply Spiritual Living?

 Tell me about Simply Spiritual Living.

Simply Spiritual Living

Letter from "A Grateful Participant"

"A Grateful Participant"

"Simply Spiritual Living," what a concept!
I attended the Simply Spiritual Living gathering. It was genuinely simple and deliciously deep all at the same time. I learned to lift my awareness above the cares of the world and bring the Light of God into my consciousness. I learned that focusing on loving myself and others opens my heart. I chanted a name for God as an all encompassing balancer of my emotions and I focused on my breathing, which mercifully relaxed my mind. I found that the light, the loving, the sound of God as I chanted and recognizing my breath as sacred meant that I was experiencing my own interior movement of spiritual inner awareness.
I would highly recommend anyone take the time to experience this sweet and gentle introduction to meditation. I am changed because I attended.
A Grateful Participant,

How To Walk The Labyrinth

How Do I Walk A Labyrinth? What Is A Labyrinth? 

Welcome To The Labyrinth - A Guide To Walking A Labyrinth

Excerpted from PAL&G's Labyrinth Guide


Q: What is a Labyrinth?
A:  Labyrinths are circular geometrical patterns used for walking or tracing, as a tool to assist the consciousness. They have been in existence for thousands of years. No one knows for certain when or where they first originated. They are used by different cultures and mystical and religious traditions worldwide. Some patterns are simple and some are more complex. 
A labyrinth differs from a maze in that there is only one way in and one way out. They have one continuous path that twists and turns, eventually leading to the center. There are no dead ends. There is nothing to figure out as you walk or trace a labyrinth. You simply follow the path to the center and then retrace the same path back out.
Labyrinths are made from a variety of materials. Some are stone, some have the paths marked with grass, or gravel. There are large carpets made with labyrinth designs that get rolled out in gyms or parks. There are also small wooden, metal, cloth and paper labyrinths made to trace with your finger or a tracing tool.  (Click here to print and trace a Paper Labyrinth.)
Ours is an outdoor labyrinth using the same pattern design as the Chartres Cathedral labyrinth in France that was built around 1214. It is made of travertine marble that was hand-cut and hand-laid. It is a almost 40 feet across and the path you follow in and out stretches about one third of a mile.
Q: Why walk a Labyrinth?
A:  Many use the labyrinth as a tool to aid the self or consciousness.
It can be used as a tool to “unwind the mind,” and to let go stress or worries and concerns.
There are hospitals, universities and churches who have installed labyrinths to assist people to come to peace or relaxation. 
Walking the labyrinth can release patterned behavior, thoughts, and feelings of various sorts. It can "untorque” or unwind you. As you release old patterned energy, the alignment of your body may shift or straighten into a greater spiritual alignment.
Some walk a labyrinth as a kind of moving meditation.
The labyrinth can be used as a metaphor for how you live your life. What can you learn about yourself as you walk it?
It can be looked on as a symbolic "hero's journey," or a journey to a place of peace inside. The center can represent to your consciousness perhaps your heart, your Self, or your true beingness.
(Originally the labyrinth at Chartres was referred to as "The Road to Jerusalem," and the name Jerusalem actually means "city of peace." In some traditions, the labyrinth was used to represent finding the Holy Grail, or finding Mecca.)
Q: How do I Walk the Labyrinth?
A:  You enter the labyrinth and follow the path as it winds its way toward the center. You pause in the center as you like, then turn and exit the labyrinth on the same path you came in, just going the opposite direction.
Q: How Long Does It Take?
A:  Some people can be in and out in about fifteen minutes and some will take over an hour, stopping to pray, observe, etc.
Q: Do I Have To Walk It Alone Or Can Several Walk At Once?
A:  It is fine to walk it alone and fine to walk with others. People walk at different paces. If you encounter someone going the opposite direction, one will simply step off the path momentarily to allow the other to pass.
Q: What Do I Focus On As I Walk The Labyrinth?  
A:  There are infinite focuses you may choose. There is no “right or wrong” way to walk a labyrinth.
What you focus on at the time may be determined by where you are in your life and what your questions, concerns or goals may be in the moment.
It is best to walk the labyrinth with an open heart and an open mind, asking for that which is for your highest good.
Here are some suggestions.
You might walk it as a kind of prayer.
You might walk it as a symbolic journey, as mentioned above.
You might set the intention to receive inspiration, or to receive an answer to a question, or solution to a “problem.” 
You might walk the labyrinth with the intention to unwind, to let go of a worry or burden of some sort –letting it go when you reach the center.
You might use the labyrinth for learning more about yourself and life, by simply being aware of how you walk it and what you observe as you walk it.
Do you walk it fast? Or slow? Do you lose your focus or your way? Does your mind race or can you hold your mind steady and stay present? Do you wonder when you will reach center? Do you wonder if you're doing it right? If you encounter another person on your path, are you impatient? Are you the one who steps off the path to accommodate the other person? Or do you hold your direction and find that other people step off to let you go your way?
We invite you to visit and give it a try if you haven’t already.
Allow your own creativity to be present and walk the labyrinth in the way you think will work best for you.  

How To Meditate

It's important to take time for ourselves each day to focus on our spiritual nature. 

How To Meditate: Spiritual Exercises - An Active Meditation

Excerpted from Practice Meditation, on website, edited by Kevin McMillan

With so much busyness and distraction available in the modern world, it’s important to take time for ourselves each day to focus on our spiritual nature. To drop the physical concerns of the day, and once again become aware that we are spiritual. That we are, through our Soul and our precious life breath, an extension of the Divine.

There are many meditation techniques available for tuning into your Spirit, or higher nature. Here at Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, one of the primary ways that we learn to attune to and focus on God is through what we call Spiritual Exercises. Spiritual Exercises are an active technique of bypassing the mind and emotions by using a spiritual tone or vibration to connect to the energy that flows from God through all existence.

In Spiritual Exercises (S.E.’s) there is a focus on actively directing the attention inside, rather than attempting to passively quiet the mind. In our experience S.E.’s can assist a person to transcend illusions and limitations and move into the awareness of themselves as Soul: the pure, sacred, loving nature of who we truly are.

A recommended chant for spiritual exercises is the ‘HU,’ which is pronounced like the name Hugh or which can be said by pronouncing the sounds of the individual letters ‘H’ and ‘U.’ The HU tone is an ancient name of God and is a wonderful way of attuning to the higher vibrations of Spirit.
The ANI-HU is a variation of the HU chant. Pronounced (AHN-EYE-HUE), the ANI-HU is also an invocation to God with an added dimension that brings in the quality of empathy and oneness with others. As you chant this tone, you may find the quality of empathy and connection with others increased.

We invite you to follow the instructions below and try doing Spiritual Exercises, and observe the results for yourself.

People who do Spiritual Exercises regularly often report experiencing a deeper peace and relaxation and a greater connection to the Spirit inside. You might try doing Spiritual Exercises daily for 10 or 15 minutes and see if this practice works for you.

Instructions for Spiritual Exercises

  1. Call yourself forward into the Light of the Holy Spirit for the highest good, and ask for protection and guidance during your S.E.’s.
  2. Chant the HU (pronounced H-U or HUE) or the Ani-HU (pronounced AHN-EYE-HUE), which are sacred names of God. It’s preferable to do this inwardly (silently).
  3. While chanting, focus your attention in the “third eye” area, which is near the center of the head directly back from your forehead. It is in this place that the Soul has its seat and the Soul energy gathers.
  4. After you have chanted for about five minutes, stop and listen within. You are listening for the Sound Current, or audible life stream, which can be very subtle. You may hear it the first time you do this, or it may take years of practice. This is a very individual matter.
  5. If you find your mind wandering and you lose the focus of listening, you can focus the mind again by chanting.
  6. After about five minutes of listening, you can return to chanting again. The times are approximate, and the idea is to spend time in S.E.’s both chanting and listening.

For longer periods of S.E.’s, you can expand the time for chanting and listening to fifteen minutes each. For example, in an hour session you can chant for fifteen minutes, listen for fifteen minutes, and then repeat the chanting-and-listening cycle one more time.

All of the above are guidelines, so you can experiment with how you do S.E.’s, using what works for you at a particular time and not getting attached to a certain form. The focus is on doing your Spiritual Exercises with as much loving and devotion to the Spirit within as you can.

Again, we invite you to visit this peaceful place, and while you’re here to go inside in whatever way works for you, and tap into the riches within.