
Slowing Down

By Jennifer Herrera


“Relax. There’s no need for rushing today. Slow down. Really, slow down today.”

Dr. Paul Kaye, our facilitator, must have offered this gentle reminder at least ten times at our Silent Retreat at Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens. Unplug – Relax, Refresh and Recharge, and I clearly needed it. I say this because each time he said it, I felt my body respond like it was hearing his offering for the first time, and each time I took a deeper breath. Towards the end of the day, when I was walking up the Meditation Garden stairs, I started to vividly see my natural pace is rushing.

That was rather eye opening.

I know that breath and breathing is a tremendous gateway into relaxing, health, and vitality. I also know that when I am relaxed, I am more open, more loving, more creative and more able to receive. I am just a better person inwardly and outwardly when I am relaxed. And cultivating this as my natural state is where I have some opportunity.

I sense this is where many of us have opportunity. We have been habitualized and seduced with the allure of achieving, of getting things done and making things happen. This often requires moving fast, or falling asleep to our awakened consciousness and being in auto pilot. However one describes it, I sense many — if not most of us — have some relationship to the paradigm I am speaking of. With that — and given we live in such a busy, full, techno-charged world — taking time to interrupt these habits in a place of beauty and peace like Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens is essential.

Paul is a skilled curator and master facilitator, and with the support of some lovely assistants, he took us on a restorative journey at our one-day Silent Retreat. We handed over our phones. We traveled. Inwardly and outwardly. We were fed healthy, delicious and thoughtful meals. We journaled. We walked the labyrinth. We had several opportunities of deep meditation which were often accented with a sound bath cleansing our energy fields. And, we participated in learning the art of some ancient cultural customs that are significant instruments of slowing down, being on purpose and breathing more consciously.

I left this day feeling more me than when I arrived. What does that mean? For me, I felt like I let go of layers of activity that were attached to over responsibility and doing, and I opened my heart more fully to the splendor of the present moment. It may sound a bit cliché, and I say give yourself the gift of the Silent Retreat and then let me know how you feel.

Silent Retreats are offered several times a year at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens. For more information, email Registrar@peacelabyrinth.org.

You HU Superhero

Los Angeles is ablaze in a fiery heat wave. Tempers can flare as temperatures rise. Escape to air conditioned theatres featuring superheroes is one option. But what if others have the same idea and all seats are taken?

Dive inside and discover the superhero in you.  (By all means, take a cold shower; soak in an ice cube bath, whatever it takes to feel relief before taking the inner trek to claim your superpower.) Yes, I’m suggesting the free and powerful tool of meditation.


The only kryptonite you’ll likely encounter are past hurts. But if you chant HU, the ancient Sanskrit name of God, you may experience a soothing balm. And a restoration of super you!

When Ani  – pronounced “ah-nigh” – the tone of empathy is combined with HU - pronounced "hugh" - magic truly happens. You may have to resist fidget fairies the first few times. But chanting Ani-HU will eventually steamroller away irritations.

Maybe you already have a favorite mantra. Great! Or perhaps closing your eyes – unless it’s sleep – is just not your thing.

Are you willing to breathe? I’m not joking. By altering how we’re taking in air, we can better control our emotions. Check out this short and charming YouTube.  

Simply touching your hand to your heart can also create miracles. Of course, a stroll to the center of a labyrinth can produce tranquility, too. It’s known in some circles as a “moving meditation.” (Note: Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens is closed until July 24.)

Here's another cool idea for finding or strengthening your inner superhero:

What Is Soul Awareness?, August 7, 2018 at 7:30 p.m.

Held at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens
3500 West Adams Blvd. LA CA 90019.

The Sound of Heavenly Music - Rx for the Stressed

Paul Kaye, Meditation Instructor and Soundscape Artist.

Paul Kaye, Meditation Instructor and Soundscape Artist.


Hop into a candlelit bubble bath.  
Sooth tension-weary muscles with a massage.
Stroll on the beach.
Gaze up at a night sky sparkling with stars.

All of the above works wonders. And so does meditation. Imagine soaking in sounds of serenity from faraway lands. Visualize an expert guide leading you through the chambers of your heart. Feel yourself shimmering in Light.

This is not fantasy. Paul Kaye’s Sound Bath at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens (PAL&G) embraces methods for de-stressing. You may hear instruments from the Himalayas and Japan echoing through a historic mansion. Riding atop the waves of harmony is the gentle voice of Paul. A teacher of forty years, he guides participants into a deep-dive meditation.

The event is titled "Introduction to Meditation and Sound, A Deeper Experience." However, even long time students of meditation exit the event declaring:

“For the first time in 10 weeks, I felt no pain.”

 “It took me to places that were frankly ineffable.”

“Best meditative experience this decade.  Left with a great sense of serenity, and crystal clarity.”

Falling in love and meditation are similar. Both are highly personal and individual. Yet, we all agree it can be a fabulous experience. Dating for most is about finding "the right one." It takes time. So does discovering the method(s) of meditation that work best for you. Of course (and thank God!), miracles can happen and some immediately experience their soul sing joy. Yet, like all relationships and practices, improvement is always welcome, right?


Experience an Introduction to Meditation and Sound, A Deeper Experience evening at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens.


Spring Into Action - Tips for Freeing Up Energy

Getting Your Energy Loose and Free

Excerpted from the book, The Rest of Your Life, Finding Repose in the Beloved, by John-Roger with Paul Kaye 

“I cannot emphasize enough that completing what you start is one of the most worthwhile things you can do for your health and well-being. It’s a joyful process because, as you complete, the unconscious starts clearing, your energy is returned to you, and you begin to live in the present making conscious decisions and completing them on the spot.”
— John-Roger, D.S.S. with Paul Kaye

We humans don't like to think about our incompletions. So what we have not completed gets pushed down into the unconscious realm inside of us. Although that realm doesn't see, doesn't hear, and doesn't think or feel because it is asleep, it does have information and it does pull on our energy. You can feel it when it's time to do something about an area you have been avoiding or procrastinating about. As you approach that area, you will start to get tired, achy, and sometimes you will even start nodding off. That is because you are in the area that is sleeping.

This is the time for you to stay present and awake, for this is where you have been avoiding living. You have found the area inside of you that is unconscious, that's not aware, that's sleeping, and that has a large amount of your energy locked into it. Imagine getting that energy loose and free.

You can free that energy in this moment, by moving your body into action and starting the process of completing. As you start to do this, you will feel the energy coming loose and free inside of you, and you may find that all sorts of aches and pains will release.

This is a healing action, not necessarily healing in terms of disease, but certainly healing in terms of completing your life patterns and your goals. It's so extremely important because as an area inside of you that was asleep awakens, your energy stops leaking away into it and becomes immediately available to you as a conscious, awake person.

Reclaiming Your Energy--the Magic of Completion workshop was held October 17, facilitated by Martha Ringer, DSS, Productivity Expert, and author of Complete.Done.Finished. The Joy of Doing, The Magic of Completion. She may offer this workshop at a future time. 


What does completion mean to you?

Coffee Break? Or Meditation?

Coffee Break

Slow down…

Everything you are chasing will come around

And catch you.

~John De Paola

That second cup of coffee calls. I take an extra gulp of fresh air instead. Amazing how breathing can bring balance. We’ve all heard the statistics about meditation, right?


  • Reduces stress
  • Increases acceptance
  • Slows the aging process (Yes, please!)

Hitting the snooze button on our goals seems so counter-intuitive. Yet, the sacred moments taken to listen to our hearts pays off. The mind clears. Inspiration increases. The monkey mind stops chattering. All right, not completely sometimes. But meditation – concentrating on the breath – allows in an intention for peace. And miracles! Countless are the times, a divine idea warrior has vanquished the worrywart in my mind when I surrendered to meditation.

Practice, practice, practice may get you into Carnegie Hall. Repeating mantras like Ani-Hu2 may, however, get you into Heaven! As a beginner, sitting for 15 minutes was excruciating. (Bravo if you are a longtime meditation student and this was not your experience. Maybe you’re a saint.) Meditation is a lifeline to sanity.

Nature is another soother of frayed nerves. Studies at University of Michigan found a stroll with Mother Nature improves short-term memory. Japanese scientists discovered that forest bathing (shinrin-yoku) brings stress levels down and boosts the immune system.

Angelenos may not always have the luxury to run away to Walden Pond (like Henry David Thoreau.) A mini escape is possible. In the heart of the City of Angels, we have Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens. Fountains sing serenity, butterflies kiss flowers in towering bamboo groves. On Tuesday evenings, the Italian Renaissance Villa on the property plays host to events such as an Introduction to Sound & Meditation and  Sacred Mysteries of the Labyrinth.

Put the coffee down. Give yourself a real break.


1.      John-Roger, D.S.S., Kaye, Paul, D.S.S. (2010) Living the Spiritual Principles of Health and Well-Being, Los Angeles, CA, Mandeville Press

2.      Ani is a tone of empathy. Hu is the ancient Sanskrit name for God.



Huffington Post

8 Ways Meditation Can Improve Your Life

Quartz Media LLC

The Japanese Practice of “Forest Bathing” is Scientifically Proven to Improve Your Health

Business Insider

11 Scientific Reasons You Should Be Spending More Time Outdoors

Celebrating the U.N. International Day of Peace

Peace Banner.JPG

What Does Peace Mean To You?

#PeaceDay #JoinTogether #PeaceLabyrinth


September 21 is the U.N. International Day of Peace. Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens, together with the Institute for Individual and World Peace took part in celebrating and honoring this day with several events.

We started with a Peace Concert, listening to the exquisite, healing music of Merrill Collins, global peace song finalist. Her music swept us away with her beautiful, healing sounds. What a perfect way to help put our bodies, minds, emotions, and our spirit into peace.

We followed with an Acceptance and Peace Seminar. Many say the way to world peace is through individual peace. Using this principle, we came together to explore how to come to greater inner peace by simply accepting what is.

Lastly, we moved forward into celebration and action with a Peace Day Open House. 

We celebrated by sharing refreshments, music, taking fun "selfies," and with getting to know new people. We shared our love, togetherness, oneness, and our common purpose of wanting to create a better world internally and externally for ourselves, others, our planet.

We moved into action by placing our peace intentions and "blessings" at the Labyrinth, the Peace Pole, the Peace Tree. Many shared their photos on their social sites - spreading peace intentions into the world. 

At 12 noon we participated in the U.N. Global Minute of Peace/Moment of Silence. Paul Kaye, President of MSIA and Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens, led these moments as we all circled around the labyrinth. He spoke a bit about what is peace and what we can do to create peace. 

Lastly, we took it inward again, to what many call our "Source" by attending Peace Sound Meditations led by Paul Kaye. Paul sounded chimes, singing bowls and meditative instruments, and played guided meditations by John-Roger. These meditations assist us to attune more deeply to where many believe it all begins, within. As someone said, "Peace begins with you."

Some ways to create peace

Paul Kaye mentioned some points for how to create peace. 

  • Peace is present. 
  • Peace is an inner process. 
  • Peace is the cessation of againstness.
  • Peace is a choice regardless of circumstances.


Listen to Paul's Global Minute of Peace Address



What does peace mean to you? 


#KeepPeaceAlive #PeaceEveryday #SpreadPeace
