
How To Meditate

With so much busyness and distraction available in the modern world, it’s important to take time for ourselves each day to focus on our spiritual nature. To drop the physical concerns of the day, and once again become aware that we are spiritual. That we are, through our Soul and our precious life breath, an extension of the Divine.

There are many meditation techniques available for tuning into your Spirit, or higher nature. Here at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens one of the primary ways that we learn to attune to and focus on God is through what we call Spiritual Exercises. Spiritual Exercises are an active technique of bypassing the mind and emotions by using a spiritual tone or vibration to connect to the energy that flows from God through all existence.

In Spiritual Exercises (S.E.’s) there is a focus on actively directing the attention inside, rather than attempting to passively quiet the mind. In our experience S.E.’s can assist a person to transcend illusions and limitations and move into the awareness of themselves as Soul: the pure, sacred, loving nature of who we truly are.

A recommended chant for spiritual exercises is the "HU," which is pronounced like the name Hugh or which can be said by pronouncing the sounds of the individual letters "H" and "U." The HU tone is an ancient name of God and is a wonderful way of attuning to the higher vibrations of Spirit.

The ANI-HU is a variation of the HU chant. Pronounced (AHN-EYE-HUE), the ANI-HU is also an invocation to God with an added dimension that brings in the quality of empathy and oneness with others. As you chant this tone, you may find the quality of empathy and connection with others increased.

We invite you to follow the instructions below and try doing Spiritual Exercises, and observe the results for yourself.

People who do Spiritual Exercises regularly often report experiencing a deeper peace and relaxation and a greater connection to the Spirit inside. You might try doing Spiritual Exercises daily for 10 or 15 minutes and see if this practice works for you.

Instructions for Spiritual Exercises

1.     Call yourself forward into the "Light" of the Holy Spirit, or a Higher Power, for the highest good, and ask for protection and guidance during your S.E.’s.

2.     Chant the HU (pronounced H-U or HUE) or the Ani-HU (pronounced AHN-EYE-HUE), which are sacred names of God. It’s preferable to do this inwardly (silently).

3.     While chanting, focus your attention in the “third eye” area, which is near the center of the head directly back from your forehead. It is in this place that the Soul has its seat and the Soul energy gathers.

4.     After you have chanted for about five minutes, stop and listen within. You are listening for the Sound Current, or audible life stream, which can be very subtle. You may hear it the first time you do this, or it may take years of practice. This is a very individual matter.

5.     If you find your mind wandering and you lose the focus of listening, you can focus the mind again by chanting.

6.     After about five minutes of listening, you can return to chanting again. The times are approximate, and the idea is to spend time in S.E.’s both chanting and listening.

For longer periods of S.E.’s, you can expand the time for chanting and listening to fifteen minutes each. For example, in an hour session you can chant for fifteen minutes, listen for fifteen minutes, and then repeat the chanting-and-listening cycle one more time.

All of the above are guidelines, so you can experiment with how you do S.E.’s, using what works for you at a particular time and not getting attached to a certain form. The focus is on doing your Spiritual Exercises with as much loving and devotion to the Spirit within as you can.

Again, we invite you to visit this peaceful place, and while you’re here to go inside in whatever way works for you, and tap into the riches within.

"Restoring peace inside of you allows you a few moments of quietness. Spirit can become present. There can be a great healing inside of you, and a re-attunement to the oneness which is the peace of Spirit."
John-Roger, PAL&G Founder, DSS
(From: Loving Each Day For Peacemakers, Choosing Peace Every Day)

Better than Champagne Wishes, a Sacred Entrance into 2018

Congratulations. You have successfully thrived (or survived!) another year. At the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve, will you toast with champagne? Or will a chocolate truffle melt in your mouth as you dream of a blissful future?

For your consideration for December 31, 2017: A New Year’s Eve Sacred Tones workshop. The evening event takes place at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens from 8 to 10 p.m. (So, you’ll still have time to attend other parties--or get home in your jammies early!)  Popular author and meditation teacher, Paul Kaye leads the group in powerful practices. A path to 2018 is prepared with ancient sounds of peace. Masterful meditations invoking soul wisdoms are played. Heart-centered processes also allow participants to burn past sorrow and open to new opportunities.

Clarinetist, Alethea Lamb, chuckles about her Sacred Tones experience “Getting paid for playing more music” was on her wish list last year. Alethea won’t be at Sacred Tones 2017.  She’s playing a “gig” with musicians she loves.

Sacred Tones is more than a mere goal-setting event though. As Alethea says, “You go really deep. There’s so much peace…It’s like being in a womb.” She also warns that the event is “well-attended.” (So get there early!)

More good news about the New Year’s Eve Sacred Tones Workshop:
Complimentary admission
Available online.
Detailed info at

The Best Holiday Gifts Ever

“We need no wings to go in search of Him, but have only to look upon Him present within us.” ~St. Teresa of Avila

Faster than FedEx, gifts are delivered with each heartbeat. You don’t even need a saint or Santa to deliver the present. Yes, you already know you are:

·         A precious child of God

·         Adored by the Creator

·         At One with the Universe

·         All the Above

Wouldn’t it be wonderful though to know how truly, truly divine you are? Better than any Porsche or Jimmy Choo shoes!

Embrace all that is great and holy. Let go of 2017. Welcome in a shiny Light and Love filled 2018.

New Year's Eve Sacred Tones Workshop, Sunday, December 31, 8-10pm PT

New Year's Resolution Spiritual Spa Morning, Saturday, January 6, 2018, 10am-2pm PT


5 Tried & True Ways to Sweeten the Holidays

“To me every hour of the light and dark is a miracle.” ~Walt Whitman

Shadow fingers stretch across the sidewalk. Christmas carols blare as a car blasts down the road. Cinnamon and ginger, the star spices of winter, waft from the kitchen. The holidays must be here.

Sparkly diamond happiness is supposed to be the sentiment du jour. Yet when malls are jam-packed and competition for parking spaces mounts…Well, rekindling the childhood exuberance of the season can be daunting.

5 Tried & True Ways to Sweeten the Holidays:

1.     Give, Give, Give…to Yourself.
I know. This is a season for giving. Reduced sleep and increased sugar though may turn you into Mr. Grinch. Altruism is awesome but not at the expense of yourself.

2.     Take the Easy Path
Seriously. Your child will survive without homemade cupcakes. Swap time in the kitchen for conversations…even if it is via text!

3.     Be Sneaky
Slip extra time onto the parking meter. Tip your server with an extra dollar or two. Surreptitiously do something super nice for someone.

4.     Headspace Vacay
When the monkeys are chattering up a storm, turn up the meditation music. Even Western MDs agree that moments of Zen tune out stressors.

5.     Tell the Truth
“The Truth Shall Set Ye Free” Not a Bible person? Twelve steppers know that honesty is the key to healing. And the first law of Spirit is acceptance…which leads to cooperation…which hopefully leads to a happier you during the holidays!

Light the Menorah. Set the star atop the Christmas tree. Let your authentic joyful self shine.

Labyrinth Featured in L.A. Times Article, Oct. 25, 2017

PAL&G does it's part to help the South L.A. Community

The labyrinth at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens (PAL&G) was pictured on front page of the Los Angeles Times, October 25, as part of an article about the impact of changing jet patterns in South Los Angeles. PAL&G attended community meetings on the matter and was interviewed by the Times. 

The Journey of Dey Young’s Madame Butterfly Sculpture [with Video]

If you’ve walked the labyrinth here at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens in the last few months, you’ve been in the presence of "Madame Butterfly," a figurative sculpture that was recently donated by sculptor, Dey Young. This piece feels right at home in the gardens of the Guasti Villa (the former name of this mansion) whose architecture was inspired by Renaissance Italy and that once had a sculpture garden of its own.

Just as the marble in this mansion was imported from Italy, so was the stone for Madame Butterfly, which comes from Pietrasanta, which translates to sacred stone. It is Carrara Marble, the same marble that Michelangelo used when carving his most famous sculptures: the David & the Pietá.

Dey Young works within the line of sculptors who has sought the angel in the marble and carved to set it free.

The discovery of Madame Butterfly began in California when Dey created a maquette of the sculpture to practice her theme. She captured the female form in movement, resting between figuration and abstraction. A crescent moon, full hips and breasts, flowing draperies.

Next Dey traveled to Italy in search of the perfect block of statuary marble, the one from which Madame Butterfly would emerge. She worked with artisans for three months before returning to her studio in California where she carved and polished for another nine to complete the sculpture.

As we stand before Madame Butterfly, I picture what the initial block of marble might have looked like, 2500 pounds of solid stone, holding the angel within. It is no mistake that this process of carving marble has been used as a metaphor for spiritual awakening.

As we talk to Dey about her work, I am transported. I picture the confident touch of Dey’s hands and tools, working to free this butterfly from its chrysalis of stone.

I remember visiting Dey in her studio. Remember the rough blocks of different colored stone waiting for their turn to be carved. Some of them marked with crayon, hinting at the figure within. Heavy and peaceful, filled with potential.

I remember the peace that was present in the studio as Dey carved a figure in alabaster. With her loving attention on the stone, everything else faded into the background.

I think of Madame Butterfly’s journey. I think of her traveling from Italy to Dey’s studio in California, then to a gallery in New Mexico, and finally resting in the Gardens of Prana.

Dey shares about her journey as an artist, about the way that sculpture has been a teacher in her life. She tells us about her other teachers, John-Roger and John Morton and tears of gratitude come to her eyes.

As the sculpture has found its home, so has she.

We invite you to visit to see the sculpture for yourself. Click the button below to sign up for a tour today. In the meantime, keep seeking the angel in the stone. God bless you.

David Whitaker with Video by Lucia Doynel.

Coffee Break? Or Meditation?

Coffee Break

Slow down…

Everything you are chasing will come around

And catch you.

~John De Paola

That second cup of coffee calls. I take an extra gulp of fresh air instead. Amazing how breathing can bring balance. We’ve all heard the statistics about meditation, right?


  • Reduces stress
  • Increases acceptance
  • Slows the aging process (Yes, please!)

Hitting the snooze button on our goals seems so counter-intuitive. Yet, the sacred moments taken to listen to our hearts pays off. The mind clears. Inspiration increases. The monkey mind stops chattering. All right, not completely sometimes. But meditation – concentrating on the breath – allows in an intention for peace. And miracles! Countless are the times, a divine idea warrior has vanquished the worrywart in my mind when I surrendered to meditation.

Practice, practice, practice may get you into Carnegie Hall. Repeating mantras like Ani-Hu2 may, however, get you into Heaven! As a beginner, sitting for 15 minutes was excruciating. (Bravo if you are a longtime meditation student and this was not your experience. Maybe you’re a saint.) Meditation is a lifeline to sanity.

Nature is another soother of frayed nerves. Studies at University of Michigan found a stroll with Mother Nature improves short-term memory. Japanese scientists discovered that forest bathing (shinrin-yoku) brings stress levels down and boosts the immune system.

Angelenos may not always have the luxury to run away to Walden Pond (like Henry David Thoreau.) A mini escape is possible. In the heart of the City of Angels, we have Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens. Fountains sing serenity, butterflies kiss flowers in towering bamboo groves. On Tuesday evenings, the Italian Renaissance Villa on the property plays host to events such as an Introduction to Sound & Meditation and  Sacred Mysteries of the Labyrinth.

Put the coffee down. Give yourself a real break.


1.      John-Roger, D.S.S., Kaye, Paul, D.S.S. (2010) Living the Spiritual Principles of Health and Well-Being, Los Angeles, CA, Mandeville Press

2.      Ani is a tone of empathy. Hu is the ancient Sanskrit name for God.



Huffington Post

8 Ways Meditation Can Improve Your Life

Quartz Media LLC

The Japanese Practice of “Forest Bathing” is Scientifically Proven to Improve Your Health

Business Insider

11 Scientific Reasons You Should Be Spending More Time Outdoors

Celebrating the U.N. International Day of Peace

Peace Banner.JPG

What Does Peace Mean To You?

#PeaceDay #JoinTogether #PeaceLabyrinth


September 21 is the U.N. International Day of Peace. Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens, together with the Institute for Individual and World Peace took part in celebrating and honoring this day with several events.

We started with a Peace Concert, listening to the exquisite, healing music of Merrill Collins, global peace song finalist. Her music swept us away with her beautiful, healing sounds. What a perfect way to help put our bodies, minds, emotions, and our spirit into peace.

We followed with an Acceptance and Peace Seminar. Many say the way to world peace is through individual peace. Using this principle, we came together to explore how to come to greater inner peace by simply accepting what is.

Lastly, we moved forward into celebration and action with a Peace Day Open House. 

We celebrated by sharing refreshments, music, taking fun "selfies," and with getting to know new people. We shared our love, togetherness, oneness, and our common purpose of wanting to create a better world internally and externally for ourselves, others, our planet.

We moved into action by placing our peace intentions and "blessings" at the Labyrinth, the Peace Pole, the Peace Tree. Many shared their photos on their social sites - spreading peace intentions into the world. 

At 12 noon we participated in the U.N. Global Minute of Peace/Moment of Silence. Paul Kaye, President of MSIA and Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens, led these moments as we all circled around the labyrinth. He spoke a bit about what is peace and what we can do to create peace. 

Lastly, we took it inward again, to what many call our "Source" by attending Peace Sound Meditations led by Paul Kaye. Paul sounded chimes, singing bowls and meditative instruments, and played guided meditations by John-Roger. These meditations assist us to attune more deeply to where many believe it all begins, within. As someone said, "Peace begins with you."

Some ways to create peace

Paul Kaye mentioned some points for how to create peace. 

  • Peace is present. 
  • Peace is an inner process. 
  • Peace is the cessation of againstness.
  • Peace is a choice regardless of circumstances.


Listen to Paul's Global Minute of Peace Address



What does peace mean to you? 


#KeepPeaceAlive #PeaceEveryday #SpreadPeace
