
Stickybeaks & the World of Awe

Your luggage is checked to your destination. But you’re stuck at LAX. There are only so many laps you can take around the food court, right? Give yourself a sweet treat. Grab an Uber, a Lyft or a taxi and make a beeline for a place of peace, such as Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens (PAL&G.)

As a guide of countless tours around the PAL&G labyrinth, meditation gardens, and historical mansion, I’ve yet to figure out the magic of the place. Always a pleasure though to watch shoulders relax and smiles emerge after a dip in the verdant meditation gardens. No matter the mood, songbirds soften my rough edges, too.


Our Australian visitors say I’ve got a “stickybeak.” (Nosy in American English.) I’m fascinated by travelers who are drawn to PAL&G hours before they fly home. Like a mother/son team who love their English labyrinths. They stumbled last minute into our Chartres Cathedral-inspired creation.

Another women from Hawaii was en route to Finland. She was wilting in the shade waiting for the 3 p.m. tour. She may have questioned her choice of spending her layover at PAL&G. Sixty minutes later her body language said something else. Shoulders slightly stooped, deep in contemplation while ambling the eleven concentric labyrinth circles, her posture straightened as she emerged. No elixir did she slip from her purse. Only the willingness to open to Spirit is my guess.

When feeling like Mr. Shakespeare’s Hamlet (in Act 1, Scene 2), “O God, O God, how weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable seem to me all the uses of this world!” Run; don’t walk to the PAL&G labyrinth. (All right, walk briskly. Don’t want you slipping into the gorgeous reflecting pools.) Peace can occur when a prayer of surrender is said before twisting and winding through the labyrinth. That’s what someone very close whispered in my ear anyway.

If you’re a flexible type, or a yogi or yogini-in-training, check out Yoga at the Labyrinth. Or if you prefer an er, um less bendy approach, click the Visit tab at Dare to explore the beautiful environment inside and outside of you.

Exercising Conscious Direction

This article by PAL&G and MSIA Founder, John-Roger, was originally published in the Movement Newspaper, November 1982.

If you just want to get along with people, have success and gain wealth, you have to have a positive approach. No matter what your goal is, you will come closer to accomplishing it if your attitude is positive.
— John-Roger, DSS

The quest inside us is an eternal quest. We may speak different languages, go to different churches or worship different forms of God, but we all still want to experience joy and love inside ourselves because that’s the nature of the Soul.

It’s true that when people come together in a group, there is often an agreement which says, “We’ll function this way while we’re in this group because that’s the way it will work best for us.” But later you may go to another group or another job and assume another function or role there. Then you may go to yet another activity and assume still another role. But while you’re doing this, you should never lose track that inside of you there resides the eternal One—the One that always exists.

The problem is, however, that sometimes you will say, “If there is this eternal One within me, then why don’t I already know it?” My response is, “Why don’t you listen? Why don’t you hold still within yourself for just a second and open your awareness?”

And then you want to know, “How do I open my awareness?” One way is to close your mouth, eyes and ears so that you’re not distracted by all the distractions of the world. Once you can control the body, you can start moving into higher levels of awareness.

The physical body may be the first level to bring under conscious direction and control. You can hold out your hand and shake it and then you can stop it. And you might wonder who stops it. Does your body stop it? Maybe not. Maybe the body wants to keep shaking it. Does an emotion or a feeling stop it? Not necessarily, because you can feel like shaking the hand and still control the body and do the opposite action. So, obviously you’re more than your feelings. Perhaps it’s the mind that says, “Shake it,” or “Don’t shake it.” But your mind doesn’t really do the action. It can only have a thought about the action or potential action. All of these levels can function independently of one another.

You can be talking to someone while you’re looking at something in the opposite direction, and your hand can still be shaking. Different levels perform independently. The feelings can be independent of the mind. The body can be independent of the imagination. But when you stop all of those things, what is it that stops them? You stop them. That which is beyond all the other levels is you. Much of the time your expression is on the periphery of the real you because the mind and emotions kick up and the body gets upset, which pulls you into those lower levels.

What you must do is quiet the body, emotions and mind. You can do this through the processes of meditation, contemplation, spiritual exercises, chanting a mantra or personal tone. Often it is suggested that you take between 10 minutes and two hours a day for individual spiritual practices. The time varies with individual teachers, preferences, schedules, etc. Spending some time in meditation can be a tremendous key to self-awareness.

Another key to self-awareness is a positive mental attitude. If you want to learn to direct yourself consciously, bring yourself into a positive focus. You might say, “Well, how can anybody have a positive mental attitude in the mess I’ve created?” Nobody said it was going to be easy. Look at it this way: If you develop a positive mental attitude when there is no challenge, what have you really developed? If you develop a positive mental attitude in the face of a lot of negativity, you have developed great strength and integrity.

If a person says, “I’m going on a diet,” when he’s just finished eating a big meal, how long do you think his “diet” will last? There is no challenge in dieting when your stomach’s full. There’s no challenge to stop smoking after you’ve just had a cigarette. But how about the next moment coming up? How about the next time you’re hungry and you think, “Do I gorge myself or not?” If you are to gain in self-awareness, you must exercise a conscious direction and hold to it. At some point you must restrain yourself. It’s often easy to hold a positive direction for awhile, but do you have the ability to hold and hold and hold until the old negative patterns get tired and give in?

Too often you give in first—and that may be what you hate. Not having the strength inside that you’d like to have can bother you because you don’t feel worthy of all the goodness that can be in your life. Some people think that in order to feel worthy you must do worthy things. Spiritually you are worthy, just in your own beingness. But to experience the sense of worthiness, you must do worthy things. It’s difficult to feel worthy if you’ve been angry and resentful, screamed at everyone around you about how wrong they are, and generally behaved like a madman.

You are here to go through life and experience it, not to experience everything or fall in temptations of negativity, but to consciously make choices in your life that serve to uplift you. You unfold according to your divine right. When you meet the demands of life as they are placed upon you, and overcome them, then you are exalted because you have been tried and found worthy. Then your inner strength lifts you up. You stand higher, the body feels better, the emotions feel good, and the mind clears.

You meet the demands of life as they are created—this is your responsibility. If you create a dishonest situation, you meet it and clear it in whatever way comes forward. If you’re going to worry about what’s going to take place tomorrow and if you’ll get caught, don’t do anything that will lead to being caught. If you think, “Should I do this? What if this is bad? Which way do I go?” all you’re doing is swinging back and forth in your consciousness. Some people think that it is Spirit coming in and moving them. But it may actually be indecision moving you. Move toward what you are worrying about and see what it is.

If the action does not seem clear for you to do—don’t do it. If you are going to worry and be concerned about the outcome, don’t go into that area. Be smart in your approach to life. If you think of embezzling some company funds, but you’re losing sleep over what happens if you get caught, don’t embezzle. If you’re flirting with your neighbor and worried what your wife will do if she finds out, don’t be the flirt. Move if you have to, but don’t go into that area.

If you’re willing to put forward effort to increase your awareness, Spirit will move with you. You don’t get healthy, wealthy and wise with a negative attitude. Even if you’re just looking to be happy, you won’t get there with a negative attitude. If you just want to get along with people, have success and gain wealth, you have to have a positive approach. No matter what your goal is, you will come closer to accomplishing it if your attitude is positive.

Why not make your goal God consciousness? Why not learn about the inner realms before you die so you can know where you’re going? If you don’t move in that direction, you won’t get it. And if you do move in that direction, you’ll be moving that way all the time, every moment of your waking consciousness. And as you start moving into it, you’ll start making wise choices. As you make wise choices, your environment will settle down, and you’ll begin getting free of it. Then you’ll start to say, “Life is good.” It’s really been the same life all along. It’s just your attitude that is now creating peace and harmony.

Find your freedom by seeing what is going on right now and how to make life work for you, rather than seeing what is going against you. How can you make your life work better for you? You may not have a solution right now, because you might be in a level of experiencing a situation. You may still have to internalize it more and allow it to shake things loose inside of you, until you finally say, “I don’t need this anymore. I’m free of it.” Then the “negative” experience becomes positive as you use it as a stepping stone. Life is a challenge. You knew it before you came here. It is a challenge of fulfillment and a challenge of awareness.

More and more we are moving into a new area. Some people call it the Age of Aquarius or the Golden Age. It’s actually the age of greater loving. We’re living in the time of Biblical prophecy. It is said that in the latter days God will…”pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions.” (Joel 2:28)

Force isn’t going to make the changes you want to make. If you try to force someone, they’ll use force back on you. If you try to be the authority with them they will show you that they are as authoritative as you. The thing that will create the changes you’re after is when God’s energy of love flows through you and activates your love. You combine that with other people’s love, and it starts overflowing. It becomes an “epidemic” of loving. People are no longer afraid to love and they’re not afraid to say, “I love you.”

Life is to be lived. It is meant to be shared. It is not to be abused or inflicted upon anyone. It is meant to be joyful, not evil or sinful. Life is being present and just breathing in and out. The knowledge of how to solve problems, how to grow and change is within you. But you are the one who must come into the awareness of yourself to such a degree that you can activate that knowledge and use it for your own and others’ upliftment.

Baruch Bashan.

Keys to Creating Heaven on Earth

As I'm flying over the Pacific Ocean, I’m transported listening to the “Keys to Creating Heaven on Earth Seminar” with John Morton, MSIA’s Spiritual Director, that was Live Streamed from Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens (PAL&G). It was an invite to dive into God’s infinite ocean of love and mercy.

Even as rioters surface on the Gaza Strip (as is happening in the news right now), “Heaven on earth is a decision,” says John. “If I find any peace in the Middle East, then there is peace in the Middle East.”

One candle can spark a holy blaze, which warms cold hands and fills hungry hearts with comfort. All right. Maybe such idealism belongs to the Lovers, the Dreamers and Me (and Kermit the Frog!). However, given the alternative, I’ll say, “Yes, please” to John’s keys to creating heaven on earth.

Please Note: The following keys are this writer’s interpretation of information presented at the seminar.

1.  Get Creative!
   “We can create it [Heaven on Earth.]”
   ~John Morton

John’s seminars have always had creative contributions. Last night was no exception. PAL&G’s staff, George Scott (in his late 80s) and LeAnna Sharp (a beautiful millennial) performed like Fred and Ginger dancing "Cheek to Cheek." Their song and swing dance sparkled with Spirit. I jumped to my feet to join in a standing ovation for the duo who brought so much joy.

Amazing how a dash of imagination and a dance or two can elevate life to another level. Next time the doldrums hit, maybe I’ll turn up the music and foxtrot around the room.

2. Change the Channel
“Guess what? This is Heaven on Earth.”
~John Morton

How we relate to ourselves, each other, and our experiences informs our realities. A subtle switch of focus softens the rough edges. I’m not an advocate of sweeping emotions under the carpet and painting on a Pollyanna smile. But I believe in asking, WWTNTTHTYT? That’s how my great Uncle George would sign his letters. (Yes, dear millennial, once upon a time when dinosaurs roamed the earth, handwritten letters existed.) What is WWTNTTHTYT? What was the nicest thing that happened to you today?

3. Twinkle, Twinkle Divine Star
“Let us consider the Kingdom of Heaven is already here.”
~John Morton

Maybe heaven is always here. As hard as it is to swallow, I’m the one responsible for not seeing it that way. I agree with John that, “God is love; and he that dwelleth in love, dwelleth in God, and God in him.” (1 John 4:16 KJV)

What happens though when rage and reactions to unjust accusations or attacks arise? “Call ourselves forward into the Light,” says John. 

Part of claiming heaven on earth (as I understand it) is allowing the divine to dance with us. To ask for the Light is to remember that we are one of the Creator’s precious kids. (Even when our oh so delicate ego begs to differ.) Enter the most excellent of tools – spiritual exercises (a form of active meditation).

4. Surrender, Dorothy
“We lay down whatever stands in the way of serving God.”
~John Morton

The big “F”…Forgive! The payoff is more freedom to have fun. Of course, there’s a caveat: Surrender pissed-offness and release resentments. My great Uncle George’s second favorite phrase was, “There ain’t no free lunch.”

“Patience is a virtue that will never hurt you” was his first favorite saying. So, when forgiveness seems impossible it’s time to double down on TLC from you to you.

When the hurt feels too deep: Besides therapy and crying to my husband, I hit my knees and free-form write like crazy. (Free-form writing is a technique to release negativity and unconscious blocks.) Then I repeat the process. Through gritted teeth I’ve also prayed for the allegedly antagonist one(s). Warning: Be ready for miracles!

5. Have Fun with Dick and Jane
“Come into the expression of loving regardless--it’s not the lamb ready for slaughter. It’s more, what would love do?”
~John Morton

The brilliant Master of Ceremonies of the “Keys to Creating Heaven on Earth Seminar” was David Bransky. He referenced one of the greatest mystery series of all time, Fun with Dick and Jane. (At the American School in Japan I attended, every first-grader read the books.) David spoke of the wonder on his child’s face as he poured over the big question, “Where is Spot?”

Spot was the dog. Dog is God spelled backwards. (Stay with me.) In the midst of growing pains, even saints like Mother Theresa have been known to cry out and wonder where the Loving Creator is hiding. Maybe we just need to keep turning the page. Along the way perhaps we’ll get glimpses into the Divine design. As we close the book, we very well may realize that God has placed the keys to creating heaven on earth in each and every one of us.

There Is Only Success

John-Roger, DSS, PAL&G Founder

John-Roger, DSS, PAL&G Founder

Have you ever set a goal for yourself only to find yourself falling short of it? Maybe you have come very close but haven’t reached into the success of completion. Use the theater of the mind to envision your success—your accomplishment, completion and achievement. If you create this vision strongly enough it can happen for you. Even when a part of you seems to give up—consciously or otherwise—there is another part that can hold the vision. Then, perhaps when you least expect it, you will “suddenly” have accomplished your goal.

Once you have set a goal or direction for your self, you may experience a fear of failure, a fear of being unable to measure up and reach that goal. You’re in good company. I’m sure that everyone on the planet has experienced this fear. There are no real failures, however. The word failure is only your interpretation of a test you aren’t prepared to handle yet.

Perhaps the reason you aren’t prepared to handle it is that you haven’t imaged-in enough correct information. You haven’t gone over it enough in your mind, placed it in your emotions as confidence, or placed it in your body as a skill that you can produce when the test comes. These so-called failures aren’t recorded against you. You can simply say, “Yes, I failed that course. I guess I had better repeat it.” Or, “I guess I’m not cut out for that. I’ll start in another direction.”

The test does not record your failure; you record your failure. The test records your lack of preparation and reveals to you the work necessary for your success. Understanding this, you may see that your job is to go back, review the material you didn’t understand before and learn it this time. When you can approach life with the attitude that each step is a preparation for the next step, you’ll be in good territory.

How would you like it if, on the ladder to heaven, someone went ahead of you and built each rung perfectly so that you and each succeeding person could go up easily? That would be nice, wouldn’t it? How would you like it, however, if the person in front of you couldn’t even hammer a nail straight and left the rungs crooked and loose? Would you want to follow that person? You would probably prefer to follow the one who does things right, is careful and checks their work. And even when you follow such a person, you must be responsible for your own progression.

While it is wise to follow the best example you can find, it is also wise to check things out for yourself. At each step of the ladder, test to make sure that you are still firmly supported. Watch the step in front of you; make sure it’s solid. When it comes toward you, take it, and keep your eyes on it until it is below you. Then watch the next step as it comes. That way, you won’t be unsure of the step you’re on; you will already have prepared yourself by watchfulness, thoroughness and constant checking. You won’t stumble and fall over your work and the people below will be able to follow you safely.

When the time is right, you will awaken to the Light consciousness within you. One aspect of your awakening will be assuming responsibility for yourself and your actions. Suppose your neighbor recommends a car, you buy it and it turns out to be a car in need of repairs. Whose fault is it? Your neighbor’s? No way. It’s your fault. Why didn’t you check it out? Why didn’t you take it to your mechanic? Why didn’t you go through it more thoroughly?

The only true answer is simply that you didn’t. Don’t blame your neighbor. You don’t even have to blame yourself. Let the experience be your teacher. Learn from it; it’s been a valuable experience. When you get sick and tired of making dumb mistakes you’ll get a little smarter in your approach. I have often said, “When you get sick and tired of being tired and sick, you’ll change.” It’s rare that you’ll change prior to that point, however, unless you have someone who loves you enough to push you out of bed in the morning and get you on your way.

You were put here with something special inside you: the ability to contact Spirit within. With that spiritual energy you can contact universal mind and place success images into it through your own mind. When you have done this long enough, your positive images will weigh upon the universal mind and they will start to precipitate down into reality. To implement these positive images, universal mind chooses people whose minds are open-architects, engineers, scientists and similar individuals who have within them the creative urge to be open to what is new.

Baruch Bashan.
John-Roger, DSS

This article by John-Roger was first published in the Movement Newspaper, June 1987.


Forgiveness Is the Key

Wish I had a magic wand to make hurt go away. Well, as a human being on planet earth, it appears that uncomfortable feelings are a reality. Thank goodness, though, for forgiveness. I still can’t prevent emotional injury from harming loved ones. But I can dig into my bag of tricks and transform hell into heaven for myself. Or at least head in the direction of relief.

Here are a few tried and true methods:

Ø  Pray for the Person:
Pray for the person who caused you harm for 30 days. (A go-to for students of Course in Miracles teacher and author, Marianne Williamson as well as 12-Steppers.)

Ø  Perspective:
Imagine how you might react if you had the person’s upbringing and/or circumstances.

Ø  People are Trees:
Ram Dass, author of Be Here Now and a seminal leader in spiritual studies, says, “When you go out into the woods, and you look at trees, you see all these different trees. And some of them are bent, and some of them are straight, and some of them are evergreens, and some of them are whatever. And you look at the tree and you allow it. You see why it is the way it is. You sort of understand that it didn't get enough light, and so it turned that way. And you don't get all emotional about it. You just allow it. You appreciate the tree.”

New York Times bestseller author, John-Roger, DSS in this video says that others are mirrors. When judgments arise, it’s because we have yet to forgive a similar quality in ourselves. His words about not expecting instantaneous forgiveness are stellar, too!

Love to see your thoughts about forgiveness in the comments section. Better yet, delighted if you can share them on Tuesday, February 20th. We’re dedicating a whole evening to the subject of forgiveness at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens. Click here for more details.

Keys to Long-Lasting Relationships

Cupid’s bows gleam golden and the scent of roses infuses the air. Yes, that month of red hearts and rich chocolates is around the corner. The debut of romance is dazzling. A stream of serotonin rushing through the system may be better than any roller coaster.

Yet, there could be the inevitable day when the ride dips; reality hits. Yikes! Is Romeo giving Juliet the cold shoulder? Juliet’s smile has melted. Sigh. There is an empowering solution.

Do you know the answer? 

  • Yes--be that wonderful loving one to yourself! (That doesn’t mean dive into a pint of ice cream!)
  • When tuning into your sunny self, life reflects back brighter scenarios. And more perfect partners.
  • In fact, everything and everyone appears to be divinely ordained.

Even with a few loving tricks up your sleeve, if you’re open to expanding your self-care repertoire, then read on. Paul Kaye, author of Momentum: Letting Love Lead is sharing his tips at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens (PAL&G) on February 6th. Paul is also a popular meditation teacher. The processes he’ll use in Loving Relationships Workshop will actively involve your beautiful spirit and heart. In fact, the only prerequisite is your willingness.

Even if you are not in an intimate relationship, you may discover the love of your life – YOU!

Loving Relationships Workshop takes place Tuesday, February 6, 7:30pm at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens (3500 West Adams Blvd. LA CA 90018). A Meet & Greet with refreshments follows the workshop.

Sneak Peek into 100 Ways to Health & Well-Being Workshop with Paul Kaye

Author, educator, and meditation expert, Paul Kaye, has created a workshop called 100 Ways to Health & Well-Being. I had the pleasure of interviewing Paul.

I found he not only walks his talk, he makes it dance with the enthusiasm he infuses into his projects. His research while co-authoring books such as Living the Spiritual Principles of Health and Well-Being, and What’s It Like Being You? with New York Times bestselling author, John-Roger, DSS, has given Paul abundant material for this workshop.

Some of Paul’s Health and Well-Being Tips

Best Way to Feel Good?


When I questioned Paul about his favorite ways to feel good, he promptly responds, “Movement!”  He ducks into a closet. He returns brandishing a wooden sword à la Mr. Miyagi from the Karate Kid. He asks, “Have you ever seen a tai chi sword?” (Did you know there was such a thing? Neither did I.) 

He goes on to explain, “Everybody can make time for movement.” Paul puts the sword down. “Not hours, but 2 minutes here and there.” Demonstrating he says, “Like a plié!”


“If I don’t get eight hours, my performance suffers mentally, physically, and emotionally. It shows in my behavior.”


Another key is spiritual exercises, which is an active form of meditation. (Paul facilitates a popular Introduction to Meditation and Sound evening.)


Favorite Health Foods?

Paul’s favorite health food? “Sprouted flax seeds.” Hmm. Intimidation creeps into my consciousness.

Do You Allow Any Cheat Days?

“Ice cream,” says Paul very matter-of-factly. “It’s important to keep the basic (inner child) happy and not be in deprivation.”

"Foods don’t work the same for every person"

While on the subject of food, I mention the superhero blueberry. Many call the cute purple berry a super food. Some studies state the "happy hormone" serotonin increases and inflammatory issues decrease by eating the fruit. “But (the consumption of) blueberries doesn’t work for everybody,” says Paul. “Some say it also causes joint problems.”

So in this vast arena of health, which expert has Paul’s attention? “Gary Taubes.”  Apparently the Harvard, Stanford and Columbia University educated writer “took the lid off fats, grains and sugars.”

What About Sugar?

How does he counsel someone who likes sugar? Paul doesn’t mince words: “Stay off refined sugar because it puts on weight. We have an obesity epidemic in this country." Hmm. I don’t know if I’ll be giving up Oreos soon. I have hope though.

What Can We Expect to Receive from the Workshop?

“Expect to go away with at least one key to bring greater health and well-being into your life.”

100 Ways to Health and Well-Being will take place Tuesday, January 23, 7:30pm PT. 

Sneak Peek into An Evening of Abundance

An evening of abundance is about getting together with others to explore how to create greater abundance in our lives.

"You will receive in direct proportion to your clarity of vision, your definiteness of purpose, the steadiness of your faith, and the depth of your gratitude." John-Roger, DSS

It's about taking an opportunity to explore "opening to the blessings of abundance, clarifying our visions for the New Year, and giving thanks for our lives exactly as they are." 

We asked Marizita and Rinaldo Porcile, ministers and business owners, to come volunteer and lead the evening for us. They have combined a life of service with a life of taking care of themselves and their family--and they just naturally created abundance in the process.

A sneak peek into some Abundance Keys:

  1. Giving
  2. Gratitude
  3. Receiving graciously

Join us and learn more!   


The Best Holiday Gifts Ever

“We need no wings to go in search of Him, but have only to look upon Him present within us.” ~St. Teresa of Avila

Faster than FedEx, gifts are delivered with each heartbeat. You don’t even need a saint or Santa to deliver the present. Yes, you already know you are:

·         A precious child of God

·         Adored by the Creator

·         At One with the Universe

·         All the Above

Wouldn’t it be wonderful though to know how truly, truly divine you are? Better than any Porsche or Jimmy Choo shoes!

Embrace all that is great and holy. Let go of 2017. Welcome in a shiny Light and Love filled 2018.

New Year's Eve Sacred Tones Workshop, Sunday, December 31, 8-10pm PT

New Year's Resolution Spiritual Spa Morning, Saturday, January 6, 2018, 10am-2pm PT


5 Tried & True Ways to Sweeten the Holidays

“To me every hour of the light and dark is a miracle.” ~Walt Whitman

Shadow fingers stretch across the sidewalk. Christmas carols blare as a car blasts down the road. Cinnamon and ginger, the star spices of winter, waft from the kitchen. The holidays must be here.

Sparkly diamond happiness is supposed to be the sentiment du jour. Yet when malls are jam-packed and competition for parking spaces mounts…Well, rekindling the childhood exuberance of the season can be daunting.

5 Tried & True Ways to Sweeten the Holidays:

1.     Give, Give, Give…to Yourself.
I know. This is a season for giving. Reduced sleep and increased sugar though may turn you into Mr. Grinch. Altruism is awesome but not at the expense of yourself.

2.     Take the Easy Path
Seriously. Your child will survive without homemade cupcakes. Swap time in the kitchen for conversations…even if it is via text!

3.     Be Sneaky
Slip extra time onto the parking meter. Tip your server with an extra dollar or two. Surreptitiously do something super nice for someone.

4.     Headspace Vacay
When the monkeys are chattering up a storm, turn up the meditation music. Even Western MDs agree that moments of Zen tune out stressors.

5.     Tell the Truth
“The Truth Shall Set Ye Free” Not a Bible person? Twelve steppers know that honesty is the key to healing. And the first law of Spirit is acceptance…which leads to cooperation…which hopefully leads to a happier you during the holidays!

Light the Menorah. Set the star atop the Christmas tree. Let your authentic joyful self shine.

Fabulous & Free: The Magic of Completion [with Video]

One of the most useful things I can say to you for living in this world is if you want to have greater health and more energy, move things toward completion.
— John-Roger, PAL&G Founder

Yes, I’m fabulous! And I feel freeeeee! How often do you catch yourself saying that? Even if affirmations are your strength, I mean, really, who doesn’t want more fabulousness and freedom in their lives? One of the magic keys, according to author and consultant, Martha Ringer is completion. In fact, she’s written a whole book about completing: Complete.Done.Finished. The joy of doing, the freedom when done.

Here at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens (PAL&G) Tuesday, Oct 17, Martha Ringer and Heartfelt Foundation Director, Skyler Patton explored Reclaiming Your Energy – The Magic of Completion. Just in case you missed the event, here are a few gems from the dynamic duo:

Freedom and Completion are a Tight Couple:

  • Unburden yourself of tasks that are not in your wheelhouse.
  • Cross off crocheting that doily for your elderly aunt. Buy one and call it complete!

Listen Deeply:

  • Remember to breathe – consciously. And listen deeply.
  • Where do I go next? Seems like a simple question. In reality, many of us go to overwhelm instead of action.

Break Down Your To-Dos into Mini Tasks:

  • Instead of doing a dance of dizzy confusion, break down your to-dos into mini tasks.
  • Promise yourself (and/or a pal) to do the small action by a certain date and time.
  • Focus on the task until done. Just do it!

Keep the agreement. This is soooooo key to freedom, trusting yourself and owning your fabulousness.

Tip - An Easy But Oh, So Revealing Exercise:

  1. Write down all the incompletes in your life. Including childhood dreams, bucket list items and doing the laundry.
  2. Once you’ve got your mountain of musts and maybes on your mobile or notepad; circle the most important one. Which one calls to you?
  3. Well, done! Now identify a mini-step that you can complete right now.
  4. Take your mini-step!
  5. Next, acknowledge yourself. Celebrate!!!

Key - Acknowledgment and Appreciation:

Major keys to continue charging ahead with your to-dos are acknowledgment and appreciation. Martha revealed her sophisticated method at the event. Jumping up and down, she shouted, “Yes, I’m fabulous!” She added, “The executives I work with always look at me funny but it works.”

Learn more Practical Tools for Everyday Spirituality at our upcoming events at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens.

Spring Into Action - Tips for Freeing Up Energy

Getting Your Energy Loose and Free

Excerpted from the book, The Rest of Your Life, Finding Repose in the Beloved, by John-Roger with Paul Kaye 

“I cannot emphasize enough that completing what you start is one of the most worthwhile things you can do for your health and well-being. It’s a joyful process because, as you complete, the unconscious starts clearing, your energy is returned to you, and you begin to live in the present making conscious decisions and completing them on the spot.”
— John-Roger, D.S.S. with Paul Kaye

We humans don't like to think about our incompletions. So what we have not completed gets pushed down into the unconscious realm inside of us. Although that realm doesn't see, doesn't hear, and doesn't think or feel because it is asleep, it does have information and it does pull on our energy. You can feel it when it's time to do something about an area you have been avoiding or procrastinating about. As you approach that area, you will start to get tired, achy, and sometimes you will even start nodding off. That is because you are in the area that is sleeping.

This is the time for you to stay present and awake, for this is where you have been avoiding living. You have found the area inside of you that is unconscious, that's not aware, that's sleeping, and that has a large amount of your energy locked into it. Imagine getting that energy loose and free.

You can free that energy in this moment, by moving your body into action and starting the process of completing. As you start to do this, you will feel the energy coming loose and free inside of you, and you may find that all sorts of aches and pains will release.

This is a healing action, not necessarily healing in terms of disease, but certainly healing in terms of completing your life patterns and your goals. It's so extremely important because as an area inside of you that was asleep awakens, your energy stops leaking away into it and becomes immediately available to you as a conscious, awake person.

Reclaiming Your Energy--the Magic of Completion workshop was held October 17, facilitated by Martha Ringer, DSS, Productivity Expert, and author of Complete.Done.Finished. The Joy of Doing, The Magic of Completion. She may offer this workshop at a future time. 


What does completion mean to you?